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Wynne, AR -- ravaged by tornados... we fed 13,400

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

The vicious season of tornados continued the week of April 3, 2023 and tore up the town of Wynne AR and the surrounding areas. The High School was completely demolished and pieces of their new astroturf field we found as far as 65 miles away!!

Once again, we partnered with Operation BBQ Relief and worked together to bring HOPE to the community. We had meals ready to go to the school where the busses delivered them to their normal pick up route.

The people of Wynne were Amazing. They were so thankful for us being there and showed their appreciation in many ways. It was an honor to serve them. Keep the whole community in your's going to be a long recovery season.

We cannot do what we do without your financial support. Consider helping and anything is greatly appreciated. United by BBQ Donation

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