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Serving Nurses and Staff at OLOL for their self-less dedication to taking care of others

Updated: Mar 20, 2022

Honored to be teamed up with Pinnacle Search and Rescue/Cajun Navy 2016 to serve those who have given so much, and continue to give at OLOL (Our Lady of the Lakes Hospital - Baton Rouge) This fits perfectly with our mission: Bring HOPE and Love to those around us.

We are a thankful group of people who understand that BBQ comforts the soul. We engage into our community by bringing BBQ, and the Love it embraces, in times of:

Disaster Relief, appreciation events, relationship building and fund raising needs.

We are an organized team of people, equipment, coordination and expertise to accomplish what we set out to make happen.

Served 1,000 of the staff with BBQ Pork, Baked Beans, Potato salad, bun and brownie. Great group and looking forward to teaming up down the line to serve those in need of some HOPE when disasters strike.

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