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Turnkey Disaster Relief...
Powerd by:

Hello Everyone, We just wanted to share with you a new program we started: Turn-key Disaster Relief!


There are many companies and organizations that can benefit from demonstrating their desire to help people in need following disasters. Many do, and support those, like us, that serve when disasters strike.


Our new program will put your company, front and center, in the disaster response picture as opposed to a simply a logo association on someone else's deployment.


We know disaster response. We know the process of securing a location for distributing food to impacted communities. We have the BBQ food production process down! We know what supplies are needed, how many volunteers, and we know how to organize the effort of building meal boxes and getting them distributed once on-site.


So, our plan is to put Your company front and center with a trailer branded to You, and stocked, supplied and organized by us. In essence, it's Your program, powered by United By BBQ - Bringing People Together


Disaster response is a powerful and emotional situation. Those that demonstrate their un-selfish desire to Bring Hope to those who need it most... when they need it most... are rewarded. It is nearly impossible to create a Branding/Marketing message of compassion anything on the level of being a Disaster Response entity.


We would love to talk with you and share more details. God bless You and thank You!

All of the benefits of a Disaster Relief Team associated with YOUR Company – managed and coordinated by United by BBQ.


  • Custom – Vinyl Wrap Trailer with Your company highlighted

  • Disaster Deployment Management

    • Securing a Location

    • Coordination for BBQ/food distribution

      • First Responders

      • City Emergency Management

      • Local Churches

    • Meal preparation

    • Bulking into containers

    • Boxes, tables, cutlery organized

    • On-site Distribution team organized if needed


Powerful Community Compassion Message –

  • Bringing HOPE when it’s needed most

  • Branding opportunities

  • Outstanding Social Media opportunity

  • Positive Press coverage


All of the Value of Demonstrating You are a Caring Company without the addition of a new division in the company!


Contact: Jeff Petkevicius – Executive Director or 504-554-1088 to learn MORE!

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